B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Tuliskan kalimat negatif (-) dari kalimata. Children often spend their time with their friends in the afternoon (+)b. Yosi (girl) go to the robotic course every monday (+)c. Laila and i have the same hobby (+) d. The girls always join the cooking class on weekends (+) e. We usually drink milk in the morning (+) luthermillerulv – March 25, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama Mohon bantuannya kak BONUS POIN luthermillerulv – March 20, 2023
B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas Search and rescue operations are still under way to find 16 people missing after the eruption of Java’s Mount Semeru. The death toll from the eruption on Saturday of the highest volcano on Indonesia’s Java island has risen to at least 34, local officials said, and rescue operations are still under way.Mount Semeru, in the Lumajang district of East Java province, spewed thick columns of ash more than 12,000 metres (40,000 feet) into the sky, with searing gas and lava flowing down its slopes after the sudden eruption. The disaster left entire streets filled with mud and ash, swallowing homes and vehicles in several villages.“So far, 34 people have died and 16 are still being searched [for],” Wayan Suyatna, head of the local search and rescue agency, told state media on Tuesday, raising an earlier death toll of 14. He added that nearly 3,700 people have been evacuated from the affected area.Rescuers have been battling dangerous conditions since the eruption, searching for survivors and bodies in the volcanic debris, wrecked buildings and destroyed vehicles. Search crews deployed dogs on Tuesday to aid the operation.Mount Semeru has remained active since Saturday, with small eruptions keeping emergency workers and residents on edge. On Tuesday, there were three small eruptions, each spewing ash about a kilometre (3,300 feet) into the sky, authorities said. Officials have advised locals not to travel within 5km (3.1 miles) of Semeru’s crater, as the nearby air is highly polluted and could affect vulnerable groups.Indonesia, an archipelago of more than 270 million people, is prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity because it sits along the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, a horseshoe-shaped series of fault lines.(This article was published in Al Jazeera Creative Commons)1. Carilah Main event/Newsworthy events pada berita di atas 2. Carilah Elaboration/Background Event pada berita di atas3. Carilah using simple past tense pada berita di atas4. Carilah using saying verbs pada berita di atas5. Carilah Adverbs of manner pada berita di atasKak gumantinr, dan yang lainnya mohon bantuannya kak luthermillerulv – March 10, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama 8. Pada perkalian berlaku sifat distributif, yaitu... luthermillerulv – March 09, 2023
B. Arab Sekolah Menengah Atas duduk yang ada pada rokaat kedua dan rokaat akhir ,sesudah sujud kedua disebut luthermillerulv – March 09, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Dasar tolong bantu dengan rumusnya, karena besok dikiumpulin luthermillerulv – March 09, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama tolong bantu no 1,2,dan 3 Terima kasih luthermillerulv – March 08, 2023
Seni Sekolah Dasar Apa yang dimaksud dengan menggambar bentuk Jawab: luthermillerulv – March 07, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama tolong cari jawabannya beserta caranya dong pliss luthermillerulv – March 07, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Atas Andi mengecat tembok dg tinggi 5 m dan telah selesai 1/4 nya Kemudian tembok tersebut di cat kembali seluas 10m² sehingga total yg di cat 3/4 bagian. Berapakah panjang tembok luthermillerulv – March 07, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama Nicola latihan badminton 4 hari sekali Gilang 3 hari sekali dan Abdurrahman setiap hari sekali mereka latihan badminton bersama-sama pada tanggal 9 Maret 2016 maka ketiga anak itu akan latihan badminton bersama pada tanggal luthermillerulv – March 05, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama diketahui dua lingkaran dengan panjang jari" berturut turut 10cm dan 20cm hitung:a.keliling kedua lingkaranb.luas kedua lingkaranc.selisih keliling dan luasnyad.perbandingan keliling dan luasnyaTOLONG JAWAB DONG SEKALIAN CARANYA YAA JANGAN NGARANG(LAPORKAN) luthermillerulv – March 05, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama QwzZ.Hitunglah keliling balok yang panjangnya 24 cm, lebar 16 cm, dan tinggi 42.___» Rules bestiee ?? ➮• Menggunakan Cara➮• Bahasa alien auto report➮• Tidak menjawab asal"an➮• Rapi + Lengkap? BeA luthermillerulv – March 04, 2023